Logo - Elegant minimalist signature
This elegant signature logo template is perfect for creatives who want an minimalist, luxury and professional business logo. You will receive a PDF with a Canva template link immediately after purchasing, so you can start creating your logo immediately.
This template is part of a $25 logo bundle (worth $84) and $40 mega bundle (worth $400).
This elegant signature logo template is perfect for creatives who want an minimalist, luxury and professional business logo. You will receive a PDF with a Canva template link immediately after purchasing, so you can start creating your logo immediately.
This template is part of a $25 logo bundle (worth $84) and $40 mega bundle (worth $400).
This elegant signature logo template is perfect for creatives who want an minimalist, luxury and professional business logo. You will receive a PDF with a Canva template link immediately after purchasing, so you can start creating your logo immediately.
This template is part of a $25 logo bundle (worth $84) and $40 mega bundle (worth $400).
• Edit in your web browser for free, no software required
• Add or move your text or leave as is
• Add or move images or leave as is
• Add or remove your own tagline
• Change text, line art or background colors
• Change fonts using Canva's extensive free font library
Purchase this listing.
After your order is complete, you will see a download link for the PDF. Download the PDF to obtain the link to your Canva template(s).
Edit template and save/download design.
• Please note a Free Canva account is all you need to edit and save these designs. If you wish to save your file with a transparent background, or as a SVG vector file, or access Canva's full font and graphics library, you can sign up for a Paid Canva Pro Account. Try Canva Pro Free for 30 Days: https://partner.canva.com/GjPbqB (Affiliate link)
• All logo templates are high resolution on 500x500px square backgrounds, to be saved as PNG or JPG files (or SVG if you have a Canva Pro Account).
• You will also receive 4 bonus instagram post templates, which I’ve designed to be easily adapted to your brand.
• I am also a Canva Creator. My designs on Etsy are original to Etsy or variations to themes of my designs on Canva.
• These are templates and will be resold again. Your purchase includes a non-exclusive, limited use Standard License.
• With a Standard License you can create marketing materials or end products for your personal or business use. You are NOT authorised to resell/copy/re-distribute/bundle my templates with other products. This includes alterations, and claiming them as your own or offering them for free. I understand it's a confusing area, please reach out to me at hello@designsformakers.com if you're unsure.